Blissful Birthing Complete Doula
Birth Thru Postpartum
Learn the skills to support women during the entire journey of birth through postpartum. This training will help you quickly understand the Nashville birth scene and give you the skills to start your doula business. You can get support and connect with other local doulas and birth professionals when we add you to our Nashville Facebook group. After the training we will be here to answer any questions you have as you start your business and serve women.
*This training requires 5 hours of virtual work to be completed before the training day. Once registered, you will get a link. Please complete them before attending the in person part of the class. After the training day there will be 4 more hours of virtual class work to complete. There are no additional fees to certify as all costs are included in this price.
Blissful Birthing Doula Training Covers:
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
• The anatomy, physiology, and emotions of labor and birth
• The Standards and Scope of a Doula
• Code of Ethics
• Cultural Inclusivity
• Informed Consent & Birth Planning
• Hospital Environment & Staff Jobs
• Hospital Policies and what to expect at a birth
• Epidurals and Cascade of Interventions
12:30 Lunch Break
1-5 pm
• Doula Tools including Rebozos and Peanut Balls
• Pain Reduction & Comfort Techniques Based on Neurophysiology
• Hands-on practice of Labor Support Techniques and Birth Scenarios
• Creating Space in the Pelvis
• Working with Challenging Situations
• Postpartum Support and Breastfeeding
• Additional resources
• Finishing your doula certification and mentoring
After completing the class, you will receive your certificate that you are trained via email and the exclusive digital Blissful Birthing Trained Doula badge in jpeg format. After this class you are a trained doula, not certified. To get certified, you will need to complete the 10 steps below. We will send you the links to the additional online classes needed to certify through us.
Read the trainer's, Rebekah Porter, bio.
Next Trainings:
1/11/2025 Nolensville, TN
2/15/2025 Nolensville, TN
4/12/24 Monterey, TN
6/14/2025 Nolensville, TN

10 Steps to Certification (can be completed in any order):
1. Attend our birth doula one day training (9 am -4 pm). If you attended a physical in person training from another organization, contact us because this could count towards your certification.
2. Take our Breastfeeding 101 class (online) and watch the videos series at Global Media Health
3. Provide birth doula labor support to 2 clients and their families.
4. Create a list of Local Area Resources (45 resources in at least 15 categories)
5. Attend a childbirth class in the hospital or an independent class within the last 2 years
6. Go to Read 2 articles. or 2 podcasts. Write a paragraph about each one.
7. Attend Rebozo Reborn class (via video class)
8. Attend Resolving Conflict in the Birth Room (via video class)
9. Attend Baby Loss training (via video class)
10. Connect to the community by attending 2 different mom group meetings. Example: La Leche League, ICAN, Baby Wearing International, Nashville Breastfeeding Coalition, Mothers Day Out, or another mom group.
Certification Includes:
1. Training workshop taught by Rebekah Porter who has worked in the birth field for over 30 years.
2. (BBCD) credential: “Blissful Birthing Certified Doula” will be added next to your name to bring confidence and credibility to your business. Blissful Birthing has been in the Nashville community for over 11 years and is a trusted name throughout middle Tennessee.
3. Receive via email a digital Blissful Birthing Certified Doula badge to add to your websites and business cards (png and jpeg format).
4. Sample client intake forms, contracts, & birth plan templates.
5. Added to our exclusive Facebook page for Birth Professional where you can connect with other local doulas, ask questions, and get support.​
6. Flexibility to complete the certification at your own pace matching your family needs.
7. Email support from an established doula. I am happy to answer your email questions.
The website will be updated as trainings become available.
To register for the one day birth doula training click on the book a class button. If you want to pay via Venmo (@BlissBirth) or cash, email
I am excited to share my knowledge with you and help you begin your journey of serving birthing women to have a Blissful Birth.
If you have any questions please contact Rebekah (
Frequently Asked Questions
1) With this doula certificate where can you get hired or what companies hire doulas?
You can get hired with any doula group. The truth is that there is only a couple of "doula" groups around here that hires more doulas and they only hire once a doula leaves their group which is not very often. Most doulas start their own business or band together to start a group.
2) Are we signing up only for a class to get info on how to become a doula or is it an actual course?
You are signing up for an actual course. What I cover is listed above and will be a springboard to developing great skills to serve women.
3) Do we get a certificate simply for attending the class?
You will get a trained certificate at the end of the class that you will use if you want to volunteer at Vandy or keep on file for yourself.
4) Do we pay extra for taking a test for the certificate ? If so, how much is the test?
There is no test. Just a fun day of learning with you to know you are going to be a great doula.
5) Is the certificate good only in certain state or all over U.S?
It is good in any state. No state requires a certificate. You can just start your doula work. If you want to be hired at a hospital, some of them require that you are certified through the organization they pick.
6) How often do you have to retake the certificate test?
Never. Improving your doula skills depends on you. A test is not going to make you a good doula nor tell me if you are good at what you do. Your passion for learning and serving women will drive you to improve in ways that a test never can.
7) Does the certificate expire if you don't do doula jobs?
Nope! It is yours forever.
8) Do you have to report to the state that you are doing doula jobs for your certification to stay active ?
No state requires doulas to be trained or certified. It is not a job that is legally mandated in any way. Anybody can all herself a doula. It just makes the job easier if you have been trained.
9) How much does a doula get paid per job?
A doula charges what she wants. Nobody and no law mandates that. A beginning doula charges about $500. A doula who is certified will charge about $900. A doula with tons of experience will charge $1200 and up. It takes about 18 hard working months to start and grow your business. Clients will not fall in your lap. You have to work to get them.
10) What is a day in the life of the doula like?
That is a very tough question to answer. There are many ups and downs. It means having your cellphone on 24/7. It means leaving everything at a moments notice to run to a birth. You miss dinner parties and birthday parties. To get a better idea of the life, watch L A Delivery Girls.
If you are a trained doula and want more tips to get your business started, visit my new doulas page.